On the test-retest reliability of facial emotion recognition with the „Pictures of Facial Affect Ulm“

Kerstin Limbrecht, Stefanie ., Rukavina ., Steffen Walter, Harald C. Traue .


As the abilities in facial emotion recognition continue to provide relevant clinical information as well as organizational decision makers the need for valid and reliable instruments to assess the success of standardized systems for measuring facial emotion recognition is increasingly important.
In this study 59 participants underwent two administrations of the “Pictures of Facial Affect-Ulm†for measuring facial emotion recognition abilities with an average time interval of 7.06 days (SD = 2.91). Results revealed that PFA-U provides high test retest-reliability that can be used for defining pre- and post-intervention scores in a wide range of application areas (e.g. performance in facial emotion recognition for patients with neurological or mental disorders in therapeutic setting).


facial emotion recognition, test retest-reliability, pre- and post-intervention scores

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