Select Crime Prevention Methods and Organizations in the United States

Prof. David William Collier


As you are aware, crime can impede
development and discourage foreign investment and
exchange. Conversely, effective crime prevention
methods can ultimately reduce crime and lead to
enhanced development and increased foreign
investment and exchange. With that in mind, I would
like to introduce to you some crime prevention
methods that have been effectively utilized in the
United States. As we all know, the United States has
a very different cultural and historical background
from most Asian countries. In addition, extensive
illicit drug use and an epidemic of broken families
fuel much of the crime in the United States. As a
result, the crime prevention methods used in the U.S.
may not be readily adaptable for use in Asia. This
paper will take a taxonomical, as opposed to a
normative approach, and briefly survey some
methods various communities in the U.S. are utilizing
in an attempt to prevent crime. It will look at the
“broken windows†approach to policing, the
neighborhood watch program, drug user
rehabilitation, boot camp programs, juvenile prison
awareness programs, and finally, the multiple
methods used by the Maricopa County Sheriff’s
Department in Arizona.

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