The Relationship between Perceived Mother’s Parenting Style, and Peer Relationship Level of an Korean Adolescent child Focused on the moderating effect of gender

Tae-suk Kim ., Eunpyung Seo ., Young Lyn Kim, Dae-Won Kim .


This study wanted to observe the role of gender as a moderating variable between mothers’ parenting style from the child’s perception and the child’s peer relationship level. The results showed an interaction between parenting style (authoritative vs. permissive vs. authoritarian) and gender (male vs. female) on school friends-related adjustment level. To observe in which condition the interaction occurs, the current study paired and compared two parenting styles. Further examination showed that there was an interaction between parenting style (permissive vs. authoritarian) and gender. Based on the results, implications and suggestions for future research were discussed.


mother’s parenting style, peer relationship, gender difference.

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