Based on the “Ethnic†Factor to Understanding the Distinct Characterisitics of Cannabis Cultivation: A Review of Overseas Vietnamese Drug Groups

Hai Thanh Luong


To date, indoor growth is known to be the main method of cannabis cultivation around the world. Appearing and increasing’ trend of this field in Vietnamese crime groups have become a considerable concern since recent times with both the potential yield and potency of the crop at some of nations and regions, including Australia, Canada and European countries such as the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and Czech Republic as well. Meanwhile, the limited researches and official document from Vietnam’s authorities focus on Vietnamese criminal at overseas, no except for five above countries that it is likely to lead to unbalance in researching and assessing the nature of Vietnamese drug trafficking networks. This study offers a review of recent English-language researches that focused on Vietnamese cannabis cultivation at overseas. All of empirical studies were identified based on literature searches using relevant search terms and Social Science Research Network, Springer, Taylor & Francis Groups, and Elsevier Science Direct. One of the main purposes of this study is identify and evaluate the ethnic factors in Vietnamese cannabis cultivation networks at five above countries. The paper is divided into three sections, the first one review background on the nature of drug trafficking networks and ethnical factor in that; the second is assesses the Vietnamese illegal cannabis cultivation networks at overseas; synthesizing main characteristic from all discussions and analyses is basic requirement of the third section.


Cannabis cultivation, overseas Vietnamese, drug trafficking network

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