“I Want My Mommy!†Assessment and Treatment Recommendations for Separation Anxiety Disorder

Nina M. Pacholec, Melissa E. Tamas, Rosa M. Poggesi, Lisa C. Hoyman, Sarah Tabbarah, Micaela Thordarson, Robert D. Friedberg


Separation anxiety disorder (SAD) is a commonly
occurring anxiety disorder in children. Indeed, SAD is the only
anxiety disorder particular to disorders of childhood in the DSMIV.
SAD creates considerable distress in parents and children.
Moreover, left untreated SAD contributes to social and academic
impairment. Accordingly, proper assessment and treatment
methods are essential. This paper proposes several means for
identifying and treating children with SAD. Assessment methods
designed to detect SAD in youth are presented and reviewed.
Special emphasis is placed on selecting the most developmentally
sensitive methods. Further, multicultural issues in the assessment
of SAD are addressed. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
models for the treatment of SAD are presented. Traditional and
innovative methods for taking care of young patients and their
families are described. Several case examples amplify the salient


Terms—Separation anxiety disorder, child, cognitive behavioral therapy

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