Hypothetical Superluminal Trek and Spin-2 Boson

Dan Ciulin


Abstract - With subluminal speeds, the trek to a (hypothetical) new ‘habitable planet’ may take a lot of time and impose medical and technical conditions out of actual technology. Superluminal speeds may drastically shorten this time and then make possible such treks. New inertial motors based on the equivalence between the Levitron top toy and the matter structure may be used to achieve such superluminal speeds. The paper presents the theory of such motor and also an extension to a new inertial motor based on acoustic and ultraacousticwaves. Some tips are presented to extend the speed of a vehicle equipped with such motors to superluminal speed values. It may also be remarked that the 3D electromagnetic waves generated by a Levitron top are equivalent to a spin-2 boson and then to the
hypothetical graviton. Associated with a new convenient technology, this may make possible star trek to very long distances by keeping eventually a contact with the earth using gravitational waves and/or, may be the teleportation methods if the equivalent technology holds for these situations.

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