Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

The GSTF Journal on Aviation Technoligy (JAT) cover research areas broadly in Artificial Intelligence. Specific topics of interest include but are not limited to:

• Adaptive Structures 
• Adaptive Munitions 
• Acoustic Radar 
• Advanced Structural Design 
• Aerodynamic optimisation 
• Aerodynamic-structural coupling 
• Aeroelasticity / aerolastic design 
• Aerospace materials 
• Air traffic management 
• Aircraft design 
• Aircraft trailing vortex flows 
• Auxetics 
• Biomechanical Modelling 
• Bluff body flow control 
• Boundary Element Method 
• Buckling of Thin-Walled Structures 
• Collision-Avoidance Systems 
• Composite Coupon, Element and Structural Testing 
• Composite materials/structures 
• Computational Impact Modelling 
• Computational meshes 
• Computational Solid Mechanics 
• Crack Arrest and Self-Healing Composites 
• Crack Growth Modelling 
• Deformation techniques 
• Dragless Wings 
• Drag-Reduction Technologies 
• Dynamic fluid loading on deep water riser pipes 
• Efficiency of high and low order discretisations 
• Elliptic preconditioning of unstructured hybrid spectral/hp element methods 
• Experimental methods in low speed flows. 
• Failure Analysis and Fracture Mechanics 
• Failure Analysis, Fractography and Damage Tolerance 
• Failure criteria 
• Failure Mechanisms 
• Failure of composites 
• Fatigue and Fracture 
• Ficitious domain methods for high order discretisations 
• Finite element analysis 
• Flight flutter testing 
• Flow dynamics of arterial bypass grafts 
• Flow forces at arterial branches and their association with arterial disease patterns 
• Flow-induced vibration 
• Fluid structure interaction of bridge deck 
• Foams 
• Fracture Mechanics 
• Fracture Toughness and Delamination Growth 
• Fundamental aspects of bluff body flows 
• Gas dynamics 
• Geometric classification of peripheral bypass grafting 
• Geometrically Nonlinear problems 
• Guided Bullets 
• High order particle tracking 
• High speed flows 
• High-speed combustion modelling 
• Honeycombs 
• Hovering Missiles 
• Impact (Threats, Resistance and Damage tolerance) and Energy Absorption 
• Instability analysis of wakes 
• Interplanetary spacecraft systems design


• Large Deflection, Buckling and Post-buckling 
• Low speed wind tunnel design 
• Lightning-strike Technologies 
• Mesh generation 
• Mesh generation for high order compact approximations 
• Meshless Methods 
• Metal-ceramic composites 
• Micro- and Nano Aerial Vehicles 
• Microstructural design 
• Microstructural Modelling 
• Model predictive control 
• Modeling of hetrogeneous LDL accumulation due to concentration polarisation 
• Multifunctional Materials 
• Multilayered Structures 
• Multiphysics 
• Multi-physics Modelling 
• Multiscale Modelling 
• Nano and microsatellites 
• Nano Reinforced Composites (Hierarchical Composites) 
• NanoComposites 
• Nanocomposites coatings 
• Nanocrystallined magnetic materials 
• New Engine Cycle Research 
• Novel Experimental Designs 
• Optimisation 
• Phase A studies of scientific spacecraft 
• Plasticity and Creep 
• Power systems for satellites 
• Probabilistic aspects of material fatigue 
• Progressive damage modelling 
• Reduced modelling of the full human vascular system 
• Renewable Energy 
• Road vehicle aerodynamics 
• Robotics 
• Sensitivity Analysis and Optimisation 
• Separated flows past deformed and wavy cylinders 
• Shock tubes 
• Smart materials 
• Smart Structures 
• Smart Structural Design 
• Space Debris and micrometeoroid impact 
• Spacecraft control 
• Stochastic and Probabilistic Analysis 
• Structural Dynamic and Impact 
• Structural Dynamics 
• Structural Power Materials 
• Supersonic Aerodynamics 
• Systems Engineering 
• Thermal design of satellites 
• Thin Walled Structures 
• Trajectory optimization 
• Unmanned air vehicles 
• Unsteady vortex methods 
• Vibroacoustics 
• Visual Aircraft Cloaking 
• Vortex-induced vibration of offshore risers 
• Wave and current loading on offshore structures 
• Wear and Contact Mechanics 
• Wind loading and response of buildings and structures 
• Wind tunnel testing


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

Reviewer Process:

  • Prospective Authors are invited to submit original papers not being considered for publication elsewhere.
  • Submissions will be judged on Appropriateness of the Topic, Conceptual Adequacy/ Mastery of Relevant Literature, Technical Adequacy (if applicable), Clarity of Presentation and Significance of Contribution to the Field.
  • All articles submitted to GSTF journals will be checked for plagiarism and must be submitted through EDAS.
  • Submissions will go through independent and professional “Blind Peer Review” process.
  • Authors will be notified via email on the outcome of the review process.
  • Authors can appeal for re-submission (after updating their manuscript as suggested by the reviewers) for further consideration.
Reviewer guidelines:
  • Reviewers are expected to handle submitted manuscript in confidence. Editors will periodically monitor the processes and advise reviewers with respect to ensuring compliance to academic integrity, ethical conduct and in enforcing academic rigour.


Open Access Policy

Journal Policies

GSTF is committed to keeping articles published in its journals in full compliance with Open Access principles and practices through GSTF Digital Library (http://dl6.globalstf.org) being fully attributed to GSTF.

Access & Archiving

The manuscripts are archived in GSTF Digital Library (dl6.globalstf.org) 

Copyright for Authors

GSTF requires the author(s) to grant exclusive world-wide license in perpetuity, in all forms, format and media to a) publish b) distribute c) display d) store e) reprint f) translate into other languages and reproduce the paper g) the inclusion of electronic links of the paper to third party material where-ever it may be hosted h) and/or license to any third party to do any or all of the above.

The author(s) may use their own papers for non-commercial purposes by acknowledging first publication in GSTF Journal and giving full reference and/or web link as appropriate.


All journal articles submitted via EDAS will be scrutinized for any plagiarism and/or academic misconduct. In the event of complaints received against an author the board will investigate and may request the author to clarify and/or reject the submission for review.

Multiple, Redundant or Concurrent Publication

An author should not in general publish manuscripts describing essentially the same research in more than one journal or primary publication. Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal concurrently constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.

Acknowledgement of Sources

Proper acknowledgment of the work of others must always be given. Authors should cite publications that have been influential in determining the nature of the reported work.


Authors can appeal against the editorial decisions about their submissions. Please contact appeals@globalstf.org. GSTF will respond to appeals from authors within 2-3 weeks.

GSTF extends free access to individuals and University libraries and fully embraces Open Access policies.

Revenue sources

GSTF Journals do not generate any income via subscription fees or from pay per view. The publication fees of the journal will subsidize costs involved in provision and maintenance of publication infrastructure, operational and administrative costs including print and shipping, processing of manuscripts through peer-reviews, hosting services of the on-line libraries amongst others. The author may be able to defray the processing fees by securing funds from their institutions and/or research funding.

Permission for Authors:

Author(s) of GSTF Journals may use their own articles for non-commercial purposes without written approval from GSTF but must acknowledge first publication in GSTF journal and must include a full reference ad/or web-link else will be in violation of the license. 

Permission to reuse for Third Parties:

Anyone else other the author(s) of the original research paper who intends to reproduce a GSTF Journal article must seek permission from GSTF by writing to republication@globalstf.org

GSTF Journals do not generate any income via subscription fees or from pay per view. The publication fees of the journal will subsidize costs involved in provision and maintenance of publication infrastructure, operational and administrative costs including print and shipping, processing of manuscripts through peer-reviews, hosting services of the on-line libraries amongs others. The author may be able to defray the processing fees by securing funds from their institutions and/or research fundings.