Understanding Post 1995s’ career expectations: What employers need to know

Dennis Poh Wah Lee, Barry Tao He, Rachel Xuan Xie


In the present hunt for human capital with intense competition for talents, talent management has become an important priority for employers. Dynamic adjustments in strategies are necessary to attract and retain talents as factors affecting employees’ decisions have witnessed a generational change. The paper examines the theoretical validity of talent attraction and talent retention and how it develops in a Chinese context, which stresses the importance of updating the understanding on a young generation’s career expectations. Serving as the methodology, a questionnaire survey is conducted among university students, most of which are post 1995s’, to understand their career expectations. The results showed a shift in their career expectations such as preference for stability and attention paid to a fair system. Based on the research findings, recommendations are put forward for employers to better attract and retain talents.


Attraction and retention of talents; talent management; career expectations; employer

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