The Role of Student-Teacher Relationship on Effects of Maltreatment on Juvenile Delinquency
Objectives: Society has been experiencing rapid change, in which adolescents have increasingly faced with difficulties with balanced development and social adaptation. Juvenile delinquency caused by such difficulties is the most serious social problem. Most of research has reported that family relationship is largely the cause for juvenile delinquency. To prevent the problems associated with parental maltreatment, efforts to identify variables that primarily affect juvenile delinquency are needed. Student-teacher relationship is considered as important protective factors in the ecosystem. Thus, this study analyzed the relationship among parental maltreatment, juvenile delinquency, student-teacher relationship. In addition, the moderating effects of student-teacher relationship in relation to parental maltreatment, and juvenile delinquency were also verified. Method: This study used data from Korean Youth Panel Survey (KYPS) conducted by National Youth Policy Institute. Participants were 2,253(1,136 boys, 1,117 girls) middle school students (9th graders) in 3rd wave data. We extracted eight questions relating to maltreatment, fourteen questions relating Juvenile delinquency, and five questions relating to student- teacher relationship. Descriptive statistics, Pearson’s correlation, and hierarchical regression analysis were used. Results: First, parental maltreatment was positively related to juvenile delinquency. And student-teacher relationship was also negatively related to juvenile delinquency. Second, the moderating effects of student-teacher relationship on effects of parental maltreatment on juvenile delinquency were evident. Conclusion: To prevent juvenile delinquency that experienced parental maltreatment, this study has broad clinical and policy implications. Positive student-teacher relationship is an important protective factor of alleviating the negative consequences of parental maltreatment.
maltreatment, juvenile delinquency, student-teacher relationship
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