EEG Correlates of Decision-Making and Preparation of Saccades in Human

Slavutskaya M.V ., Moiseeva V.V ., Kotenev A.V ., Karelin S.A ., Shulgovskiy V.V .


A modificated version of experimental scheme "double step" was used to study the decision-making process in saccade programming. Two short visual stimuli were presented sequentially in opposite hemifields (scheme pulse overshoot). The “pattern†of response (double saccade or single saccade at the second target) and latency of the first saccade depended on the duration of the first stimulus (150 or 50 ms). Positive ERP components were revealed within the interval 100 - 120 ms before the saccade onset by using the method of selective EEG averaging. These potentials can be considered as markers of the decision-making process. The parameters and topography of these components indicate involvement of the frontal-parietal neural network of saccadic control and frontal-parietal-and medial-thalamic activation systems of selective attention at the stage of decision-making process.


the positive component; saccade programming, decision-making, event related potential (ERP)

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