National Identity in The Multicultural State

Lawrence O. Bamikole


The concept of national identity has been conceived and used in different ways and for different purposes, especially within the context of a multicultural state. In the first instance, its primordialist interpretation, which sees national identity in terms of ‘blood relation’ can be used by politicians and technocrats to subvert the unity that is paramount to a multicultural state. On the other hand, the social constructivist view, which sees the concept as an ‘artificial contrivance’ can be used by a vicious leadership as a weapon of repression against dissenting voices. In this paper, we shall argue for a middle ground between the primordialist and social constructivist conceptions of identity. This middle ground position suggests that national identity is a dynamic and transformative concept and in the hand of a visionary and committed leadership, national identity is a tool for establishing unity, cooperation, solidarity and development in the multicultural state.


national identity; primordialist; social constructivist; transformative; leadership; multicultural state

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