Generation of Quantum Photon Information Using Extremely Narrow Optical Tweezers for Computer Network Communication

I. S. Amiri ., A. Nikoukar ., A. Shahidinejad ., M. Ranjbar ., J. Ali ., P. P. Yupapin .


A system of microring resonator (MRR) is presented
to generate extremely narrow optical tweezers. An add/drop
filter system consisting of one centered ring and one smaller ring
on the left side can be used to generate extremely narrow pulse
of optical tweezers. Optical tweezers generated by the dark-
Gaussian behavior propagate via the MRRs system, where the
input Gaussian pulse controls the output signal at the drop port
of the system. Here the output optical tweezers can be connected
to a quantum signal processing system (receiver), where it can be
used to generate high capacity quantum codes within series of
MRR’s and an add/drop filter. Detection of the encoded signals
known as quantum bits can be done by the receiver unit system.
Generated entangled photon pair propagates via an optical
communication link. Here, the result of optical tweezers with full
width at half maximum (FWHM) of 0.3 nm, 0.8 nm and 1.6 nm,
1.3 nm are obtained at the through and drop ports of the system
respectively. These results used to be transmitted through a
quantum signal processor via an optical computer network
communication link.

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