Impact of Economic Globalization on the Human Trafficking in the Greater Mekong Sub-region Countries

Suk-rutai Peerapeng ., Prasert Chaitip Ph.D .


Integration of panel unit root tests using Levin, Lin
& Chu (2002) and pooled OLS regression were introduced to test
the hypothesized relationships covering data for the eight-year
period 1996-2003. The findings indicated that the value of
adjusted R2 for human trafficking data was 0.946351. The results
indicated that 94.6351 percent of the variation in human
trafficking and economic globalization can be explained by the
independent variables. Based on the F value was 93.11888, and
Prob[F-statistic]= 0.000000, there are at least one of independent
variables has statistically significant relationship with human
trafficking. Based on the t-value there are statistically significant
relationships between Gross National Income (GNI) per capita,
Trade, and Population as a facilitator influences and human
trafficking problem. The two models are detailed with tables
showing statistically significant relationships as a result of the
empirical study of established trafficking in persons. New policy
implications “Zero Human Trafficking†aims to eliminate labor
exploitation and to prevent of abuse of vulnerable young people
from ill-prepared migration. For regional development other
policy measures and programs should be adopted for enhancing
capabilities and empowering people to participate in the
economy, leadership and education.

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