Visualising Volumetric Fractals

Paul Bourke


Fractal images have for many years been a rich
source of exploration by those in computer science who also have
an interest in graphics. They often served as a way of testing the
performance of new computing hardware and to explore the
capabilities of emerging display technologies. While there have
been forays by some into 3D geometric fractals, the 3D
equivalents of the Mandelbrot set have been largely ignored. This
is largely due to the lack of suitable tools for rendering these sets
except perhaps as isosurfaces, a rather unsatisfactory and limited
representation. The following will illustrate the application of
GPU based raycasting, a now relatively standard approach to
volume rendering, to the representation of volumetric fractals.
Leveraging existing software that has been designed for general
volume visualisation allows the interested 3D fractal explorer to
focus on the mathematical generation of the volume data rather
than reinventing the entire volume rendering pipeline.


Volumetric fractals; Chaotic attractors; Iterated Function Systems; L-Systems; Voxel; Visualisation; Raycasting; Multidimensions; Hypercomplex

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