Computing Optimal Food Drying Parameters Using the Firefly Algorithm

Julian Scott Yeomans


This study uses the Firefly Algorithm (FA) for computing process drying parameters for agricultural produce dehydration. In a case study of mushroom dehydration, the functional form of the dehydration model is approximated using a response surface technique and the resulting optimization model is a non-linear goal programming problem. While various alternate calculational approaches are possible, an FA-driven procedure is implemented for computing the solution. For optimization purposes, it has been demonstrated that the FA is more computationally efficient than other such commonly-used metaheuristics as genetic algorithms, simulated annealing, and enhanced particle swarm optimization. Hence, the FA approach is a very computationally efficient procedure. It can be shown that the resulting solution computed for the dehydration process parameters is superior to those from all previous approaches.


Firefly Algorithm, Goal Programming, Parameter Optimization, Food Dehydration

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