Illness Perception And Cardiovascular Health Behaviors In Persons With Ischemic Heart Disease: A Literature Review

Kholid Rosyidi Muhammad Nur, Tippamas Chinnawong, Charuwan Kritpracha


This article explores illness perception and cardiovascular health behaviors in persons with ischemic heart disease. The article also reviews the concept of ischemic heart disease. A literature review was conducted by analyzing 35 scholar papers including research articles, theses/dissertations, and books which met the inclusion criteria’s. Data were searched through CINAHL, Medline, PubMed, Springer-link. Science Direct, and Wiley & Wilkins. The keywords used were illness perception, behaviors, health behaviors, cardiovascular health behaviors, combined with, ischemic heart disease. The result of analysis presents factors related to illness perception and cardiovascular health behaviors. The nursing scholars noted that one of the factors related to cardiovascular health behaviors is illness perception. Illness Perception and cardiovascular health behaviors can be used as a framework of nursing to develop a new model to improve quality care for patients, families, community even among nursing colleagues.


Illness Perception; cardiovascular health behaviors; ischemic heart disease

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