Evaluate Using Social Media at Al Salt Greater Municipality in Expanding Public Participation in Urban Plans

Rania J. Qutieshat


social hub media websites such as Face book, Instgram and Twitter. These websites were originally informal virtual places for friends to connect, but have gradually become used as tools for businesses, and more significantly, government to connect with citizens. Public participation is a form of civic duty that is required in all stages of planning. But fewer people in Jordan are taking part in the public participation process, and there is a trend towards an older group (over 40) of residents that come to such meetings or workshops. Moreover, Plans, such as Specific Plans or General Plans in Jordan often take years to implement and require all generations to give feedback on what is needed for the future. This study investigates the relationship between public participation and the rise of social hub media as a tool for engagement, demonstrating how Jordanian cities use Face book. This research suggests that social hub media provides a two-way form of communication between the community and the local government, which aids in promoting authentic participation. Additionally, social media allows for efficient outreach and noticing of meetings or public workshops. As opposed to newspaper or website noticing, websites such as Face book allow local governments to target a specific audience by location, age, or interests. Findings indicate that although many cities developed a Face book Page to engage the “younger generationâ€, they attract all ages to become fans. Additionally, the findings show that the true potential of Face book as a participatory tool has not been discovered. Cities are developing their own ways of using it as a tool as there is no formal best practices manual for City planning departments. The findings of this study have provided the necessary information to develop a best practice manual for planning practitioners to utilize. The manual provides information on developing a Face book Page as well as the implications of the technology.


Public Participation; Social Media; Urban Planning; Municipalities.

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