The Implementation of Active Learning Model for Preparing Pre-Service Teachers

Didin Wahidin, Hendi Suhendraya Muchtar, Yayu Laila Sulastri , Zubaedah Wiji Lestari


The study aim at investigating the implementation of active learning model to increase pre-service teachers’ ability before they follow teaching practice. The study was conducted because based on observations most of the students still did not have appropriate skills and knowledge when they do teaching practice. The participant of the research are 6th semester students. This report reveals the result of the first step in research and development design. One of the results from research step is guideline for learning active model. In the guideline some aspects are highlighted. Those aspects among others: the characteristics of active learning, the structure of learning model, teaching material, the language appropriateness, and communicative factors. The study also shows that based on some test, students High Order Thinking ability are increase. This preliminary study shows that some further studies must be taken so that the active learning model could be


active learning model; pre-service teacher

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