MCQ Exams Correction in an Offline Network Using XML

Jehad Al-Sadi ., Daed Al-Halabi ., Hasan Al-Halabi .


One of vital subject in education facility is
student assesment. A common way used to compute there work
is making exams. Generaly class sizes tend to expand in some
socities. As a result there is a trend to give a quick accurate
evaluation which is become more demand. A computerized
questions make the process of taking an exam easier and
somther. This caused the move towards the use of multiple-choice
questions (MCQ). The rapid progress of using XML (Extensible
Markup Language) for large amount of structured data, due to
its ability of saving time and manipulate data makes it suitable
for MCQ exam environment. Moreover, XML manipulates and
deals with networks suffering from failure occurrences. The
main contribution of this paper is to present an efficient method
of transfer data related to online questions between the server
and clients stations without being affected if the connection fails
during taking the exam. An analytical study of the efficiency of
module is also presented.

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