The Range and Accessibility of Maternity Models of Care and Allied Health Service Delivery across Public Hospitals within Victoria, Australia

Melissa Buultjens, Priscilla Robinson, Gregory Murphy


Australian Government maternity reform documents promote collaborative multidisciplinary models of care and strive to improve service provision and access for all childbearing women. In order to provide a quality and equitable maternity service, effective monitoring and mapping of service provision needs to be undertaken. This paper explored maternity models of care and key allied health services across Victorian public hospitals as per the Victorian Government Health Information Website (VGHIW)). Altogether, this study found discrepancies in information provided to consumers using the VGHIW, a scarcity of models offering continuity of care/r and an overall reduction in equity and access throughout rural maternity health service provision


Maternity service provision, models of care, allied heatlh, evidence-based, collaboration, perinatal period.

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