Transition Supports for IENs in Workplace: Perspectives of IENs in Ontario

Hossein Khalili, Zubeida Ramji, Jonelle Mitchell, Gillian Raymond


There is a nation-wide concern about nursing shortages in Canada. The skills, expertise and experience brought by internationally educated nurses (IENs) are crucial for health human resources sustainability. However, there is a lack of consistency with transition/integration services in place for IENs. An online survey was sent through email to members enrolled in CARE Centre for Internationally Educated Nurses’ bridge training program. The study findings revealed that the most recognized service offered to employed-IENs was ‘corporate orientation for all new staff’. IENs-specific orientation and buddy programs were the least recognized available initiatives. Majority of the respondents desire IEN-focused transition programs that can assist them with their professional growth and integration within the healthcare system. CARE Centre with more than ten years’ experience working with IENs is developing a two-pronged Workplace Transition Program to empower IENs and to partner with employers in knowledge transfer activities resulting in greater capacity to facilitate integration of IENs into workplace.


Internationally Educated Nurses (IENs), Health Human Resources, Workplace Transition Program (WTP), CARE Centre, Nursing Career OrIENtation Initiative

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