Female Age at Marriage in Indian States of Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh

Ajay Pandey


In this paper an attempt is made to see the differentials, if any, in Mean Age at Marriage [MAM] and Mean Age at Consummation [MAC] in two Indian States, Rajasthan & Andhra Pradesh. Utilizing the technique of Multiple Classification Analysis [MCA], the analysis is carried out to see how the category means of the predictor variable differ from the grand mean. The analysis indicates that educational status of women play a dominant role in determining the age at marriage for females in both the States. Consanguinity tends to lower the MAM is an important finding of the study. Unit of analysis is individual women. Analysis is at micro level and cross-sectional. The data relates to National Family Health Survey of 1992-93 data[5].


Age at Marriage, Consanguinity, Multiple Classification Analysis

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