Smart Mobility: The Cases of Hong Kong and The Netherlands

Luisa Maria Calabrese


The purpose of this paper is to address
the need for cross-disciplinary, collaborative
international research that supports
implementation of a ‘smart mobility’ for
sustainable urban transportation. Progress
toward a positive, integrated, and sustainable
future for urban transportation will require more
than technology. According to Susan Zielinski
(2006) there are three frontiers of thinking and
practice for Smart mobility, namely: complexity,
accessibility and new business models (1). To our
view, in addition to Zielinski’s frontiers of
thinking there are at least three other
fundamental aspects to be considered in order to
create a framework for Smart mobility, namely:
matching Business and Technology; integrating
Spatial Planning with Transportation Planning;
promoting a cultural change. Besides, innovations
such as Smart Cards, On-Line Traveller
Information, Car-Sharing, bundled mobility
packages and snappy marketing techniques are
coming together and changing the way investors
and users think about urban transportation.


Smart mobility, Spatial planning, Cultural heritage

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