Study of Significant Factors Affecting Labor Productivity at Construction Sites in Jordan: Site Survey

Ghanim A. Bekr


Productivity is one of the most important factors
affecting the overall performance of any construction project.
The objective of this study is identifying and ranks the factors
that affect the productivity on Jordanian construction projects.
To achieve this objective, data collection was carried out through
a structured questionnaire survey. The questionnaire form
consisting of 37 factors identified through a comprehensive
literature review. These factors are grouped into five categories.
These are labor, technical, project, financial, and material and
equipment. A total of 150 respondents consisting of 50 clients, 50
consultants, and 50 contractors participated to this survey. Data
was analyzed using statistical package SPSS.
Relative importance index method was used to find out the most
significant factors affecting the productivity on construction sites.
The results accomplished from the survey revealed that the
major factors negatively affecting the labor productivity are:
Poor planning and scheduling, material shortage at project site,
equipment and tools shortage, lack of skilled labor, poor site
management, rework due to construction errors, old and
inefficient equipment, lack of supervisor’s experience, payment
delay to suppliers and slow response of consulting staff inspecting
the work.
Based upon these findings, the study recommends the key drivers
that will be beneficial for organizations that are planning to
enhance the productivity of their workforce.


productivity, construction, projects, importance index, Jordan

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