The Implementation of Andragogy Approach in Learning Interaction

Hendi Suhendraya Muchtar, Revita Yanuarsari


In learning activity there must be an interaction between learning resources and target learner. The term interaction in this paper is a reciprocal relationship and it is influence each others. Andragogy is the science which deals with the approach in the learning interaction between the source of learning and adults target learner. Initially, andragogy used in systematic non-formal education units, but now this approach is often applied in formal education units, especially in secondary and higher education. Andragogy is the science and art of helping adults learner. While pedagogy is the science and art of teaching children. In the early eighties, learning continuum approach or known as cycle and sustainable approach of learning were developed. This approach can be started from pedagogy continued to andragogy or vice versa. The discussion focus on the interaction of learning activities, the role of a source of learning and objectives in learning. While the focus of andragogy discussion is on the principles, strategies, methods, techniques and learning media in accordance with the learning needs and its potential for self-learners and the environment in systemic education units.


andragogy; adults; learning interaction

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