Entrepreneurial University Transformation in Indonesia: A Comprehensive Assessment of IPB

Huub Mudde, Anita Primaswari Widhiani, Anas Miftah Fauzi


This article [1] explores university entrepreneurial transformation in Indonesia with a case of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB). Data and information were collected through a content analysis of university policy and educational documents, a structured survey with 331 respondents, in particular staff and students, and 21 in-depth interviews and 5 focus group discussions with 77 people comprising university top-management, faculty, students, and external stakeholders. The European Commission/OECD entrepreneurial university framework was applied for the data analysis. In addition, quantitative indicators were compared with 76 Indonesian and 15 Asian universities. Findings indicate that IPB is an entrepreneurial university from the perspective of research-based technology transfer and innovation. In addition, qualitative information indicates that the entrepreneurial development of the learning and teaching processes needs more attention, however when quantitatively assessed, the student entrepreneurship output is high in relation to many other universities. The results have relevance for the higher education community in terms of understanding the complexity of transforming knowledge institutions into more entrepreneurial organizations. The authors demonstrate a holistic assessment methodology and subsequently propose objective measurements for assessing the entrepreneurial status of a university.


entrepreneurial university; Indonesia; Asia; entrepreneurship education; higher education; indicators; organizational change

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This article is an extended version of the paper presented at the 6th Annual International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (IE 2016): Mudde, H, A. Primaswari, and A.M. Fauzi, “Entrepreneurial transformation and university leadership in Indonesia”, Singapore: GSTF, 2016.

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