Comparison of selected startup ecosystems in Germany and in the USA Explorative analysis of the startup environments

Richard C. Geibel, Meghana Manickam


The startup ecosystems in Germany and in the US are
different in several dimensions and they have a huge impact on
the success of startups. In this study the factors that affects the
startup ecosystems are compared. It is analyzed what startups
consider as critical to their success and how this varies based on
the location of the startups. Using the developed scoring
mechanism, the study compares the relative scores of various
success factors between the German and American startups to
identify areas for improvement. The findings suggest that
Germany is successful in implementing co-working spaces and
incubators but it lacks on accelerator programs. Further, it needs
to develop a better support system for their startups while the
German startups themselves need to focus on building a stronger
internal team in order to boost the startup ecosystem.


success factors; internal factors; external factors; support from incubator/accelerator; American startups; German startups; scoring mechanism; startup ecosystem; areas for improvement; startup environment

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