Chess Training Improves Cognition in Children

OJS Ebenezer Joseph, OJS Veena Easvaradoss, OJS Anita Kennedy, OJS E. Joanna Kezia


Systematic training of chess has been
shown to significantly increase the IQ and cognitive
functioning among children. The study assessed the
impact of chess intervention on the IQ scores of
children and analyzed the cognitive functions that
contributed to the IQ gain. Eighty-six school
children, boys and girls in the age group (4-15)
undergoing chess training were assessed using Binet-
Kamat Test of Intelligence. Chess intervention
consisted of standardized bi-weekly training sessions of 2
hours’ duration over a period of one year.
Individual attention was given to every child by
assigning one coach for every 4 students. Paired t
tests and regression analysis were carried out.
Significant increases were observed inIQ.
Regression analysis indicated that non-verbal
reasoning, language and memory significantly
contributed to the dependent variable IQ. The study has
important implications for education.


chess training; cognitive development; IQ; non-verbal reasoning; language, memory

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