Factors Influencing Information-seeking Behavior in Continuing Education of Nurses in Japan

Hiroshi OTA


The effects of the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in the continuous education of nurses have been identified, but no study has examined the information-seeking behavior of nurses who are using ICT. This study quantitatively and descriptively analyzed factors that influence clinical nurses’ information-seeking behavior. Information-seeking behavior of 324 nurses was observed and scored; the scores were subsequently compared between levels of the following categories: “individual characteristics,†“continuing education factors,†and “environmental factors of Internet usage.†Information-seeking behavior significantly differed with respect to qualification, institution where basic education was received, job ranking, a form of employment, membership to academic associations, and the environment in which ICT was used. It is necessary to create environments that facilitate information seeking for nurses in various departments, and to implement adequate information literacy education in order to support information-seeking behavior.


Nurses; Continuing education; Information-seeking behavior; Japan.

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