Transforming Urban Morphology and Environmental Perfornances via IMM® The Case of PortoMaravilha in Rio de Janeiro.
IMM, Integrated Modification Methodology, is a holistic, multiscale and multi-stage, iterative process, applied to urban contexts seen as Complex Adaptive Systems, for improving their metabolism as well as their energy performances. In IMM cities are energy-using systems in their own right and they consume energy in varying level of efficiency. City as CAS is a specific type of complex system with adaptive and resilience ability and its final energy consumption and related performance is different than the sum of its heterogeneous element’s performance. Main headline of the current paper is to focus on how urban morphology is correlated with urban sustainability and energy performance and to demonstrate how an existing urban assessment (Porto Maravilha, in Rio de Janeiro) can be reformed into a lower energy consumption system and a more liveable and sustainable context. This paper wishes to demonstrate how this design methodology can contribute through integrated design optimization to address the challenges of urban growth and environmental issues simultaneously. Actually an Urban modification theory based on an integrated approach can help to sharpen a better comprehension of the different performances of different urban assessment and contribute to climate mitigation and emission reduction, integrating Design Principles with the issue of saving natural resources. In IMM DOPs (design Ordering Principles) are tools/instruments used to arrange the structure of the CAS. The application of these principles affects the CAS’s structure and its performances. In IMM, DOP’s are associated with indicators, a core set of elements used in the process for comparing the characteristic performance of the CAS before and after the transformation occurred. This paper using a specific and challenging case study shows that urban transformation can be performed, retrofitted and monitored with the final goal of achieving a more sustainable arrangement. The authors intended to examine how a local design area located in the dense core of Rio (Porto Maravilha) can affect transformation of the entire CAS (the city of Rio de Janeiro) towards more sustainable development of some of the city’s main concerns, mitigating marginal growth, low performances and a growing pollution as well as promoting social inclusion and a more liveable environment.
component; sustainable urban design, complex adaptive system, integrated modification methodology, energy efficiency, comprehensive development strategy.
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