The Process of Identity Adaptation ( Oriai ) in Community-Dwelling People with Schizophrenia - Results from Content Analyses and Text Mining -

Hitomi Setoguchi, Ichiro Itomine, Takae Machida, Asakura Chihiro, Eiko Suzuki


This study aimed to further elucidate the process of identity adaptation in people with schizophrenia by talking to them about their illness. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with nine community-dwelling people with schizophrenia. Analysis was performed using Krippendorf’s approach, and Text Mining. Eleven content categories were derived: “illness acceptance”, “self-control”, “help from family”, “help from friends”, “help from doctors or nurses”, “modifying thinking”, “social roles and activities”, “worthwhile work”, “enjoyment of life”, “being happy”, and “being free”. Participants with schizophrenia were found to attain “illness acceptance” based on “help from family”, “help from friends”, and “help from doctors and nurses”. Text mining results is 400 keywords were identified. The top 5 in order of importance and frequency were: “omou” (feel/think), “naru” (become), “iu” (say), “suru” (do), and “kusuri” (medication).As a result of an interactive process surrounding the concepts of “illness acceptance”, “self-control” and “modifying thinking” the participants sought out “social roles and activities” and “worthwhile work” to acquire a social identity. Thus, it was found that the participants felt they “enjoyed life and were happy” and “they were free”, because they were productive members of society.


Schizophrenia, community-dwelling people with schizophrenia, illness, identity adaptation ( Oriai ) , Text Mining

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