Using VIKOR Methodology for Ranking Universities by Academic Performance

Seyhan Nisel ., Rauf Nisel .


Ranking universities by academic performance can be
considered a multicriteria complex problem. Several ranking
systems in the academic world have been implemented by the use
of many criteria. In an effort to address the need of alternative
academic performance evaluation systems, the purpose of this
study is to provide a multi-criteria model for ranking Turkish
universities by academic performance. The model uses the
VIKOR (Vise Kriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno
Resenje) tool that is a novel methodology developed for solving
multi-criteria problems with conflicting and complex criteria. In
the study, universities were ranked in accordance with the
evaluation criteria such as number of articles, number of
citations, number of PhD students, faculty student ratio and so
on. The findings showed that the alternative ranking approach
can be applied to obtain the overall academic performance of

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