Peace Journalism and News Coverage on the Annan Plan Referendum: The Role of Framing the Conflict Issues and Negotiation Process

Dilan Ciftci .


The aim of the current study is to explore the conceptual development of ‘peace journalism’ in the Turkish-Cypriot media from 1st of December 2003 to 31st of December 2004. Cyprus presents a unique opportunity for the investigation of peace journalism and related issues due to its vibrant and unresolved political and historical milieu. Currently, there is no comprehensive study that incorporates the conceptual development of peace journalism for the pre and post Annan Plan referendum period. In total, 229 news items from 1st of December 2003 to 31st of December 2004 were coded with regard to conflict frames and main topics of news coverage during the Annan Plan. In order to provide a conceptual definition of peace journalism 12 journalists who reported on the Cyprus Conflict during the chosen period were interviewed. The present data suggests that issues related to the Annan Plan have an impact on the tone of the news stories discussed over time. In the current sample Annan Plan referendum discussed over time in news stories demonstrated higher positive tones during pre-referendum than post-referendum period. The analysis of semi-structured interviews suggests that the pre-Annan Plan referendum period was unique due to Turkish Cypriot media adopting a peace journalism role.


Turkish-Cypriot media, peace journalism, political and historical milieu, Annan Plan referendum.

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