Countermeasures Flood Disaster Sampean River Policy in Situbondo District

Adhitya Wardhono, Gigih Pratomo, Bhim Prakoso, Ciplis Gema Qori’ah


Flash flood is a flood that has a heavy water flow
rate, fast, and brings the material (stone, sand, gravel, mud, etc.)
that can cause high damage [4]. This study aims 1) to identify the
position of flood management policy in Situbondo, 2) flood
disaster management strategies Sampean river in Situbondo.
This study use primary data. Key informant sampling to be
carried out with snowball approach. Technical analysis of this
study is analysis of Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat
(SWOT) and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Based on
the analysis and discussion show that flood prevention Sampean
River policy in Situbondo has the power and opportunities that
can take advantage of long-term opportunities to the fullest.
Strategies that can be applied in a comprehensive by including all
elements of society that are directed at economic and social
strategies with a focus on physical development, community
empowerment and relocation of flood-prone.


Floods, Disaster, Public Policy, Strategy

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