Numerical Study on Roadway Stability under Weak Geological Condition of PT Gerbang Daya Mandiri Underground Coal Mine in Indonesia

Phanthoudeth Pongpanya, T Sasaoka, H. Shimada, B. Ulaankhuu, J. Oya, S. Dwiki, T. Karian


This paper aims to assess the roadway stability of the PT Gerbang Daya Mandiri (GDM) underground coal mine. A numerical analysis method using 3D finite difference code (FLAC 3D) was used to investigate the failure zone behavior of the roadway at various overburden depths (50 m, 100 m, 200 m, and 300 m). The outcome of this research was the most appropriate support system of the roadway. The results of numerical analyses indicated that the excavation depth affected the thickness of failure zone, and the capacity of the support system was significantly associated with an increase of the overburden depth. Steel set, cablebolt, and rockbolt supports were assessed in this paper. The steel set is selected as the main support system in GDM coal mine, and it is effective to stabilize the roof and sidewalls of the roadway until 200 m depth. As the failure zone becomes larger at the deeper sites, the cablebolt support is introduced to control the floor stability, and the use of rockbolt in combination with steel set is suggested to support the roof and sidewalls.


roadway stability; weak geological condition; support system; numerical analysis; FLAC3D

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