Training Teachers for Teaching English in Higher Institutes of Engineering and Technology: Challenges and Perspectives

K. Manjula Bashini, S. Mekala, M. Ponmani


Abstract - Higher Education in India and abroad has
undergone radical and seamless changes. The advent of
information technology has redefined the attitude to English
language learning and teaching. In order to meet the
challenges and demands of the profession, teachers of English in
Engineering colleges need to upgrade their professional and
subject competence. This paper aims to explore the need for
teachers of English in Higher Institutes of Engineering and
Technology, to equip themselves to face their professional
challenges. This necessitates teachers of English to undergo
specific training programmes designed based on their target
needs that would in turn enable them to become better
teachers. A preliminary data was collected from135 teachers of
English from various Engineering colleges in Tamilnadu,
India. The findings reveal that more than 75 percent of the
teachers expressed their views that there is an existing need
for in-service training and development for teachers to teach
English in Engineering colleges in Tamilnadu.


Teacher Development; In-Service Training; Teacher Competency

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