Isozymes Variation during Development, Revealed by Esterase Band Patterns in Bactrocera carambolae

M. Hasanuzzaman ., A. B. Idris .


Bactrocera carambolae Drew and Hancock (Diptera: Tephritidae) is a major agricultural pest, especially fruits and vegetables in Malaysia. The esterase isozyme patterns during the developmental stages of B. carambolae and their progeny (F1 generation) were observed in polyacrylamide gels for the first time. Three esterase isozymes EST-1, EST-2, EST-3 were observed and their relative mobility values were 0.61, 0.46, 0.15, respectively. EST-1 showed the highest mobility and close to the anode. EST-3 showed lowest mobility and close to the cathode. EST-1 and EST-2 were present in larvae; and EST-2 and EST-3 were observed in adults; whereas EST-3 was found in pupae. The activity of EST-3 was highest in case of adult flies compare to pupae and EST-2 showed highest activity in adults than larvae. There was no activity in eggs. In the progeny (F1 generation) of B. carambolae, larvae showed similar esterase isozyme band patterns, comparing with their parents. The information presented here will be useful for comparison to other Bactrocera species and also for developing environment friendly novel control methods of this pest.


carambola fruit fly, electrophoresis, ontogeny, polyacrylamide gel

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