Suicide Behavior among Junior High School Students in Philippines and Indonesia Associated with the Social Factors

Hans Lie ., Jenn-Chang Liou .


Background: Suicide has become a major public
health issue among adolescents. In Asian countries such as
Indonesia and Philippines shares the same social norm which sees
suicide as taboo.
Objective: This study aimed to understand the prevalence of
suicide ideation among junior high school students in Indonesia
and Philippines and the social factors influencing it.
Methodology: The Global School-based Student Health Survey
(GSHS) 2007 in Indonesia and Philippines were used in
conducting this study. This study used two-stage cluster sampling
design with a total of 5,369 junior high school students participate
in a self-report questionnaire. 2 questions related to suicide
ideation served as dependent variable, and 14 questions as the
independent variable classified into socio-demographic,
socio-environmental and psychosocial were fitted to model the
binary logistic regression analysis.
Results and Conclusion: Female students are more likely to have
suicide behavior (AOR=1.914; 95%CI=1.432-2.557). Philippines
students are more likely to have suicide ideation than Indonesian
students (AOR=4.760; 95%CI=3.256-6.960). However,
Indonesian students with suicidal ideation were more likely to
express their ideation by making a suicide plan (53.5%) compare
to the counterparts (40.6%). Psychosocial factors, gender and
school grade are important factors in students’ suicide behavior.
Policy strengthening in counseling in the junior high schools is
needed to prevent suicide.


Indonesia, Philippines, Suicide, Students

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