Comparing Health Care Systems in Canada/UK, USA and Switzerland to Assess the Direction of US Health Care Reform

Deepti Chinta ., Ravi Chinta .


Along the payer continuum ranging from full
consolidation of payers to consumer-driven health care,
three competing models of health care systems are
identified in Canada/UK, USA and Switzerland
respectively. These three health care systems are
compared and contrasted along 10 analytical
dimensions. Trade-offs along three aspects of a health
care system, namely, (i) access to care, (ii) quality of
care, and (iii) cost of care, are discussed in each of the
three systems. Bureaucratic forces in Canada/UK,
competitive forces in USA and market forces in
Switzerland are noted as dominant. Several state-level
mini-reforms in the USA are noted with a view to
project the direction of future of US health care system.
The paper concludes with an inferential projection of
transforming forces impinging on the current US health
care system.


Health care reform; Health care systems; International comparisons; Emergent systems

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